Dyl280 examples
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Examples of Programming in USERDEFAULT Mode . z/OS COPYx Syntax Examples . //S001 EXEC PGM=DYL280,PARM='UA=011596,01,02'. EXAMPLE # 1 (trick). In Job Control Language, For example, either (DYL-280). IISTEPOJ EXEC PGM=DYL280,REGION=6048K Below are a few examples,. ZWDYL) that uses the same syntax as DYL-280 (shown below). That means you can now replace DYL280 without making any changes to your programs or JCL. This is a sample of FDChart output in DYL-280 format. It provides length of the field, starting position, data type and number of decimal positions for FILE Command Examples 11. Below is a sample DYL-280 program, converted line by line to Z-Writer. As you can see, some lines are identical. And most others require only minor syntax
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